World Population Day 2024
Statement from UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on World Population Day For humanity to progress, people must be counted, wherever they are and whoever they are – in all their diversity. To end inequality, to find and grow peace and prosperity, to weave more threads of hope, the world needs to do more for inclusion. Thirty years on from Cairo, there’s much to be celebrated but still much work to be do...
Edrish Justilien is a psychologist at the UNFPA-supported Petite Place Cazeau Hospital in Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince. © UNFP
“One of the biggest problems is insecurity – and the physical and sexual violence that comes with that,” explained Edrish Justilien, 36, a psychologist at the Petite Place Cazeau Hospital in Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince. Dr. Justilien spoke to UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, about the alarming risks women and girls are grappling with amid the country’s ongoing humanitarian crisis...
GBV survivor Credit Photo : © UNFPA Haiti/Wendy Desert
"Lasting peace will only be possible when we silence guns instead of survivors of sexual violence, and when we create a world where women and girls can speak their truth and live in dignity and safety", according to the UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict.

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