Port-au-Prince, July 6, 2017 --- On June 30, 2017, the United Nations System and the Government signed the Sustainable Development Framework (CSD or CDD in French), in support of the declared objective of making Haiti an emerging country by 2030.
This document was initialed by the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General for MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti) and UN Humanitarian Coordinator El-Mostafa Benlamlih and the Minister of Planning and External Cooperation, Aviol Fleurant.
"The essential thing is to have achieved today with the United Nations a reference framework in harmony with the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDGs)," Mr Fleurant said.
In a similar vein, Benlamlih stressed the desirability of moving from a vulnerability situation to a stability and prosperity phase that makes Haiti's goal to reach the status of an emerging country by 2030 more credible, following the "progress achieved through the combined efforts of Haiti and the international community in the areas of the rule of law and stability".
The CSD 2017-2021 focuses on five priority areas of action, namely poverty reduction and the promotion of decent employment, access to and use of quality basic social services, gender equality and protection, resilience and governance.
These priority areas are consistent with the national priorities defined in the Strategic Plan for the Development of Haiti (PSDH). The four pillars of the PSDH 2012-2030 being territorial refoundation, economic refoundation, social refoundation and institutional refoundation.
They are also aligned with the Government's General Policy Statement, in particular with the economic and political projects, the social field, the strategic choices concerning the environment, regional planning and housing, energy, culture, heritage and communication.