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UNFPA response in Haiti in a context of protracted humanitarian emergency From 23 March to 2 April 2024

UNFPA response in Haiti in a context of protracted humanitarian emergency From 23 March to 2 April 2024


UNFPA response in Haiti in a context of protracted humanitarian emergency From 23 March to 2 April 2024

calendar_today 10 April 2024

UNFPA response in Haiti from 23 March to 2 April 2024
UNFPA response in Haiti from 23 March to 2 April 2024

● UNFPA and partners continue to provide integrated reproductive health and protection services in displacement sites through eight mobile clinics. From 23 March to 1 April, 822 people, including 674 women, were reached. The mobile clinics are operated with local partners Direction Sanitaire de l’Ouest, Centre pour le Développement et la Santé (CDS) and FADHRIS. Displacement sites targeted include Colbert Lochard, Ecole Dei-Virtus and Eglise Pentecôte des Frères Unis.

● Since 23 March to 1 April, 2,891 people have received information on available emergency gender-based violence and reproductive health services.

From 23 March to 1 April, UNFPA and partners Initiative Citoyenne pour les Droits de l’Homme (ICDH), FADHRIS, L’Organisation des Coeurs pour le Changement des Enfants Démunis d’Haïti (OCCED'H) and MDM Argentina distributed 863 Dignity Kits to displaced women and girls in displacement sites (St Charles Carrefour, Ecole Nationale Colombie, Ecole Nationale Caroline, Chauveau, Colbert Lochard, Ecole Dei-Virtus). Dignity Kits include a 20-litre bucket, soap, sanitary pads, a solar lamp, and other basic hygiene items.

Since 29 February, a total of 2,013 Dignity Kits, containing essential health items, and 200 Mama Kits, containing supplies for new mothers and newborns, have been distributed to displaced women and girls.

UNFPA continues to provide remote psychosocial support and information on available gender-based violence services through a free hotline operated by partners SOFA and Kay Fanm. Since 29 February, 343 calls have been made to the hotline.

To strengthen protection risks for women and girls, 72 streetlights have been installed at 10 displacement sites in MAPAP.

UNFPA has completed a needs assessment at health facilities in the Ouest and Artibonite departments and plans to deploy medicines, equipment and supplies, for maternal health care, including emergency obstetric care, to 14 health facilities (7 in Ouest, 7 in Artibonite).
