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What if we removed the obstacles to preventing violence against women and girls in Haiti

What if we removed the obstacles to preventing violence against women and girls in Haiti


What if we removed the obstacles to preventing violence against women and girls in Haiti

calendar_today 29 November 2023

Teenage girls in a “Safe Space”
Teenage girls in a “Safe Space”

Port-au-Prince, November 16, 2023 --- UNFPA carried out a joint Spotlight communication mission, Pillar 3, from November 7 to 12, 2023, in the North and Northeast of Haiti.

This mission made it possible to highlight the results concerning the empowerment of adolescent girls with the aim of removing obstacles to the prevention of violence against women and girls. During a visit to Caracol on November 9, we met a group of adolescent girls aged 10 to 18, accompanied by a few mentors, as well as women survivors of violence.

A teenager testifies

A 14-year-old girl was the victim of sexual violence at the age of 6-7. “There were several boys who came into a room with me. The one who was around 18 tried to penetrate me. He pounded my vagina. There were several of them doing the same,” confides Chilberte.

This act traumatized her. “Talking about relationships between a man and a woman scares me. I would not like such violence to happen to other women and girls,” she adds.

No legal action was taken. His parents are unaware of this violence.

A woman, whose daughter was raped, filed a complaint with the courts with the help of the Association Femmes Soleil d'Haïti (AFASDA). The attacker has been in prison for more than a year. She thanks AFASDA for its support.

Women survivors of violence

We interviewed three women survivors of gender-based violence at the hands of their husbands. Thanks to the intervention of AFASDA, these women took legal action against their husbands. Two of the latter left for the Dominican Republic after being heard by the courts.

“I’m 60 years old. I do not work. The father of my 3 children beats me, hits me on the head, neck and waist,” says Joséphine. “AFASDA helped me with the Justice system, with the procedures to go to the hospital, to be seen by a psychologist, in matters of nutrition and education of children,” she says.

Safe spaces

The day of November 11 was punctuated by a visit to two safe spaces dedicated to adolescent girls. These two spaces are established in Fort Liberté (for 15-19 year olds) and in Baraque (for 10-14 year olds), in the North-East.


This joint Spotlight, Pillar 3 communication mission led to recommendations intended to improve and sustain the empowerment of adolescent girls with a view to preventing violence against women and girls.

These recommendations can positively influence the roadmap by strengthening the impact of AFASDA's actions in the North-East of Haiti in connection with the Spotlight project, Pillar 3.

As part of the new 2023-2027 country program cycle, UNFPA in Haiti is committed to promoting the well-being of adolescents and young people. In this perspective, UNFPA signed cooperation agreements with the principal recipient of the Genre-URamel Consortium, in which AFASDA participates as a sub-recipient, as well as with DSNE/MSPP, implementing partners operating in the North-East department.

This collaboration aims to support and document the best practices put in place by these local partners thanks to the generous support of the European Union through the Spotlight initiative in Haiti. The implementation of the project, pillar 3, is ensured by UNFPA in Haiti.

Note: Aliased name for the adolescent survivor of GBV as well as for one of the female survivors of GBV


Text: Vario Serant
Photos: Wilguens Bery