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In 2021, Haiti experienced a profound deterioration of its political, socio-economic, security, and environmental context, resulting in increased humanitarian needs. Estimated at 4.4 million people in 2021, the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance in Haiti has increased to 4.9 million in 2022, or 43% of the total population.

The main factors behind this increase are:

I) the earthquake of August 14, 2021, which affected 800,000 people living in the departments of Grand'Anse, South and Nippes, especially in terms of access to essential services and shelter;

II) the confliicts between armed gangs in the metropolitan area of the capital, which have led to a significant increase in risks and cases of protection against the population, particularly cases of gender-based violence (GBV);

III) the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a lesser impact;

IV) the hydrometeorological shocks that Haiti regularly experiences remain a threat to the country.




  • Insufficient emergency obstetric and newborn care services for pregnant women
  • Limited of multisectoral GBV response and prevention services
  • Inadequate reference system Insuffcient supplies for essential drugs, SRH commodities, and medical equipment
  • Lack of trained staff to assist GBV survivors


West departement response

  • 25 service providers trained on GBV case management
  • 1 044 STI cases treated including 26 cases of HIV referred and 20 cases of syphilis
  • 869 new users of family planning methods recorded
  • 1 033 pregnant women receive prenatal care and 77 postnatal care
  • 632 women and adolescent reached by SRH awareness raising messages
  • 180 dignity kits and mother kits distributed
  • 1 000 youth kits distributed
  • 2 000 people sensitized on key GBV concepts and dissemination of services


South departement response

  • 11 mobile clinics carried out by 4 health institutions
  • 1 6802 benefficiaries : 68% women and girls, 32% men and boys sensitized on GBV
  • 1 402 people including 350 children reached by curative consultation and receive free of charge medication
  • 217 STI cases treated
  • 76 new users of family planning methods: 35 long-term and 41 short-term and 1102 condoms distributed
  • 86 pregnant women receive prenatal care services and sensitized on family planning
  • 734 deliveries attended by skilled healthcare personnel
  • 120 dignity kits and mother kits distributed


Click to read the PDF version FACTSHEET MARCH - AUGUST 2022