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Haiti Situation Report #4 - 05 June 2024

Haiti Situation Report #4 - 05 June 2024
Haiti Situation Report #4 - 05 June 2024


UNFPA en Haïti

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UNFPA en Haïti

Situation Report

Haiti Situation Report #4 - 05 June 2024

Publication date

18 June 2024

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Haiti's humanitarian situation is worsening due to escalating gang violence, leading to ongoing displacement. In May 2024, the government renewed a curfew in the western department, while armed clashes and attacks have occurred in several communes. The reopening of Port-au-Prince International Airport is expected to alleviate shortages of essential supplies; however, the main seaport remains paralyzed. The deployment of a multinational force has been postponed due to logistical issues. Around 400,000 people have been forcibly displaced and face limited access to basic necessities.

The current insecurity in Haiti has caused a mass exodus from the capital, with over 33,000 people seeking refuge in the departments of the South. UNFPA is planning to conduct a rapid assessment and deploy medical supplies and post-rape kits to health facilities in these areas. Many health facilities are closed or have reduced their operations, leading to shortages of medicines and other essential supplies. The imminent arrival of the hurricane season poses a significant risk of famine for 1.64 million Haitians already facing acute food insecurity. The continued displacement of people is creating new protection needs and challenges for GBV actors. UNFPA is prioritizing the continuation of life-saving services for women and girls through the deployment of integrated mobile clinics, dignity kit distribution, and coordination of GBV response services.

During the month of May 2024, UNFPA and its partners provided essential support to vulnerable populations affected by displacement in Haiti. Key achievements include:

  • Distributed 900 dignity kits and 450 mama kits to women and girls in displacement sites.
  • Deployed 8 mobile clinics to displacement sites, providing sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence services to 2,361 people, including pregnant women and people with disabilities.
  • 787 pregnant women gave birth at UNFPA-supported health facilities.
  • Established women's temporary safe spaces and GBV service points in displacement sites, reaching 208 women and girls with counseling and psychosocial support.
  • Provided shelter and support to 25 women and girls at risk of GBV.
  • Operated a hotline to provide psychosocial support, information, referrals, and document cases of GBV, receiving 163 calls in May.
  • Conducted awareness raising activities on GBV services, reaching 434 people, including 306 women and girls.



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