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Maternal and Neonatal Health Response Services closer to the women

Maternal and Neonatal Health Response Services closer to the women


Maternal and Neonatal Health Response Services closer to the women

calendar_today 24 May 2021

Woman in mobile clinic

Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The North West Health Direction of the Ministry of Public Health and Population organized a mobile clinic in Bombardopolis, a municipality of 4 hours and a half drive from Port-de-Paix, on May 3, 2021, with the support of the Centers for Development and Health (CDH/CDS) and UNFPA, the United Nations Agency for Reproductive Health.

This clinic welcomed no less than 400 patients, according to the Midwife Samentha  Dutreuil who coordinated it with the support of the Medical Director of the Evangelical Hospital of Bombardopolis, Dr. Moise Léandre, of the Nurse Kerda Sylvain, and midwives  members of the Nurses Midwives Association of Haiti.    

19 pregnant women received prenatal consultation; 34 women received a visual inspection test with acetic acid (IVA/VAI) to detect precancerous cells. Three of these tests were positive; 4 women adopted a family Planning long term method.   

Beyond reproductive health services, this mobile clinic also provided care for infants in exclusive breastfeeding, without any other food than the mother’s milk.  The mothers were encouraged to continue breastfeeding their infant until the age of 6 months so that the baby reach an optimal growth, development and health.

Several cases of scabies were recorded and they received the appropriate care. Since several months, various scabies centers have been identified in different places on the national territory which has caused several interventions of the MSPP (MPHP). This infectious skin illness is benign, but very contagious. It is caused by a parasite (the scarcopte) which moves into the skin and lays there.

Josephine Sadale has tingling (moderate scabies). She is 22 years old and had her 5 months old daughter in her arms. She came for help. “I am tired of this itch. I came for healing for both”, she confessed.

Some patients also received medicine against gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach mucosa which is very painful. They received advises about a special dietary regime to facilitate digestive comfort through an appropriate nutritional value.

Cecile Ladrise, 27 years old, is pregnant since 7 months. “When I walk, my stomach hurts”, she said. She had to stop her informal selling business. “When I eat, I spit a lot, which is not normal, and more than that, I have heartburn”, she added.

With about 240,000 inhabitants, the municipality of Bombardopolis is difficult to access because of the road. The development of infrastructures and basic services is a great challenge, particularly to have access to healthcare, education, water and food security. The municipality has 5 community health care centers and 1 healthcare center with beds which provides Emergency Obstetrical Neonatal Basic Care (EONBC).

The 3 May mobile clinic took place in the presence of a Joint United Nation mission coordinated by Bruno Lemarquis, Special Assistant Representative in the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), and the United Nations Humanitarian  Resident Coordinator in Haiti.

Joséphine Sadale and Cécile Ladrise are borrowed names given to patients of the mobile clinic.


Writer: Vario Sérant

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