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UNFPA Haiti 2018 Haiti humanitarian response plan


The 2018 Haiti humanitarian response plan estimates 2.8 million people will be in need of humanitarian assistance in 2018, with US252 million required to target 2.2 million people. In 2018, UNFPA's goal is to ensure that Haitians have increased access to sexual reproductive health (SRH), including gender-based violence (GBV), services in humanitarian settings through:

1. Strengthening national preparedness and response capacity to effectively address SRH and GBV in humanitarian settings

2. Respond to the Haiti Humanitarian Response Plan strategic objectives and targets for 2018

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Humanitarian Action regarding Safety and Dignity for Women, Adolescent Girls and Young People in Haiti


Humanitarian Action Fact Sheet

December 2017

Key results October 2016 to December 2017


UNFPA HAITI just released its Humanitarian Action Fact Sheet which shows the key results from October 2016 to December 2017 regarding Safety and Dignity for Women, Adolescent Girls and Young People. 

This document includes three areas : i) Matthew response (October 2016 to December 2017),  the response to the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season (June to November 2017) plus capacity building activities.

In 2017, the Haiti Humanitarian Response Plan targeted 2.4 million people, including 1.4 million people in areas affected by Hurricane Matthew, 1.5 million affected by food insecurity/drought, 230,000 Haitians that were internally displaced and 169,700 people were expected to be returned from the Dominican Republic. 


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Strategic Plan 2018-2021


This document presents the UNFPA strategic plan, 2018-2021. The strategic plan reaffirms the relevance of the current strategic direction of UNFPA, the goal of which is universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, focusing on women, adolescents and youth. In accordance with the strategic direction of UNFPA and in line with General Assembly resolution 70/1 on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the strategic plan will seek to ensure that no one will be left behind and that the furthest behind will be reached first.

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4 monts after hurricane Matthew struck in Haiti


UNFPA has just released its latest report summarizing the actions taken, together with its partners, to save the lives of women, girls and adolescents, in particular, as part of the post-hurricane humanitarian response Matthew. This report specifically covers areas related to reproductive health and prevention and response to gender-based violence.

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New post hurricane Matthew report regarding the UNFPA's humanitarian response in Haiti


After outlining the post-hurricane context of Matthew in Haiti, this new humanitarian report summarizes UNFPA's interventions in the affected departments, particularly for women, girls and adolescents. Concerning sexual and reproductive health, the interventions were possible through the presence of emergency reproductive health kits and additional medical equipment that were purchased and delivered to the health facilities in the affected departments, in order to meet the significant demand experienced by mobile clinics. In addition, midwives were rapidly deployed to pregnant women and newborns in Grand'Anse and Nippes to help save lives. In the area of ​​violence against women and girls, UNFPA has invested to strengthen the operational capacities of the actors on the field and the availability of medical, psycho-social and legal services.

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Needs of Women and Girls in Haiti Critically Underfunded in the Hurricane Matthew Humanitarian Response


This document draws attention to the lack of funding for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and protection, as part of the post-Hurricane Matthew response to Haiti. "Without urgent action, maternal and neonatal deaths and sexual violence will increase," says the Interagency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations. The IAWG calls on the donor and aid community to work closely with local partners to implement the Minimum Emergency Response System (MISP) for Reproductive Health.

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This report is about the first humanitarian response plan one month after hurricane Matthew hit Haiti.



In this report, UNFPA draws up a first report of its humanitarian response one month after Hurricane Matthew in Haiti.

The Fund also demonstrates how the support of UNFPA's humanitarian initiatives in Haiti is important to save the lives of more than 546,000 women / girls and their families in the departments of Grand'Anse, Nippes, South and North-western regions of the country.

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