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Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 23 April 2018 --- A delegation from Haiti participated in the 51st session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD), which was held at United Nations Headquarters, at New York, 9-13 April 2018, on the theme "Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration".

This delegation was composed of the Director of Population, Mc-Henry Pierre-François, and two other officials of the Ministry of Public Health and Population, Dr. Lyse Marie Dejan and Ronald Cadet.

"This 51st session of CPD has been an excellent opportunity to see how UN affiliates are working to ensure the alignment of the ICPD recommendations (Cairo 1994) with their public development policies, especially the theme of this session: Migration ", the Director of Population says.

Mc-Henry Pierre-François sees this session as "another opportunity to appreciate the importance of up-to-date demographics in national development plans".

This 51st session of CPD was to lead to the adoption of a resolution on the central theme of the session "Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration", in connection with the implementation of the Plan of Action of the International Conference Population and Development (ICPD) adopted by UN member countries in 1994.

Differences on some issues did not allow the adoption of this thematic resolution. Regretting this lack of consensus, the Executive Director of UNFPA stressed the importance of urbanization, migration and mobility for sustainable development and for women and girls.

Recalling the commitment made by UN Member States in Cairo to paragraph 7 of the ICPD, Natalia Kanem reaffirmed UNFPA's commitment to the three zeros: "zero maternal deaths, no unmet need for planning family and no gender-based violence and harmful practices, through efforts based on a solid platform of quality demographics data."

The office preparing the organization of the next session, the 52nd, was nevertheless able to be set up, with the mission of revising the motion for a resolution, on the basis of the contributions of the different participating countries.

The Commission on Population and Development (CPD) is composed of 47 member states elected by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for a period of four years considering the geographical distribution.